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Text 52

dehātma-vādināṁ puṁsām
api rājanya-sattama
yathā dehaḥ priyatamas
tathā na hy anu ye ca tam

deha-ātma-vādinām — who ascribe to the view that the body is the self; puṁsām — for persons; api — indeed; rājanya-sat-tama — O best of kings; yathā — as; dehaḥ — the body; priya-tamaḥ — most dear; tathā — thus; na — not; hi — certainly; anu — relative; ye — which things; ca — and; tam — to that.

Indeed, for persons who think the body is the self, O best of kings, those things whose importance lies only in their relationship to the body are never as dear as the body itself.

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