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Text 27

yātābalā vrajaṁ siddhā
mayemā raṁsyathā kṣapāḥ
yad uddiśya vratam idaṁ
cerur āryārcanaṁ satīḥ

yāta — go now; abalāḥ — My dear girls; vrajam — to Vraja; siddhāḥ — having achieved your desire; mayā — with Me; imāḥ — these; raṁsyatha — you will enjoy; kṣapāḥ — the nights; yat — which; uddiśya — having in mind; vratam — vow; idam — this; ceruḥ — you executed; āryā — of goddess Kātyāyanī; arcanam — the worship; satīḥ — being pure.

Go now, girls, and return to Vraja. Your desire is fulfilled, for in My company you will enjoy the coming nights. After all, this was the purpose of your vow to worship goddess Kātyāyanī, O pure-hearted ones.

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