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Text 30

nidaghārkātape tigme
chāyābhiḥ svābhir ātmanaḥ
ātapatrāyitān vīkṣya
drumān āha vrajaukasaḥ

nidāgha — of the hot season; arka — of the sun; ātape — in the heat; tigme — fierce; chayabhiḥ — with the shade; svābhiḥ — their own; ātmanaḥ — for Himself; ātapatrāyitān — serving as umbrellas; vīkṣya — observing; drumān — the trees; aha — He said; vraja-okasaḥ — to the boys of Vraja.

When the sun’s heat became intense, Lord Kṛṣṇa saw that the trees were acting as umbrellas by shading Him, and thus He spoke as follows to His boyfriends.

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