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Text 45

nanu svārtha-vimūḍhānāṁ
pramattānāṁ gṛhehayā
aho naḥ smārayām āsa
gopa-vākyaiḥ satāṁ gatiḥ

nanu — indeed; sva-artha — about their own true benefit; vimūḍhānām — who were bewildered; pramattānām — who were intoxicated; gṛha-īhayā — with their household endeavors; aho — ah; naḥ — us; smārayām āsa — He reminded about; gopa-vākyaiḥ — by the words of cowherds; satām — of the transcendental souls; gatiḥ — the ultimate destination.

Indeed, infatuated as we are with our household affairs, we have deviated completely from the real aim of our life. But now just see how the Lord, through the words of these simple cowherd boys, has reminded us of the ultimate destination of all true transcendentalists.

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