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Text 51

sa vai na ādyaḥ puruṣaḥ
kṣantum arhaty atikramam

saḥ — He; vai — indeed; naḥ — our; ādyaḥ — the primeval Lord; puruṣaḥ — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sva-mayā-mohita-ātmanām — of those whose minds have been bewildered by His illusory potency; avijñāta — who did not understand; anubhāvānām — His influence; kṣantum — to forgive; arhati — should; atikramam — the offense.

We were bewildered by Lord Kṛṣṇa’s illusory potency and thus could not understand His influence as the original Personality of Godhead. Now we hope He will kindly forgive our offense.

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