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Text 18

ity anujñāpya dāśārhaṁ
parikramyābhivandya ca
sudarśano divaṁ yātaḥ
kṛcchrān nandaś ca mocitaḥ

iti — thus; anujñāpya — taking permission; dāśārham — from Lord Kṛṣṇa; parikramya — circumambulating; abhivandya — offering obeisances; ca — and; sudarśanaḥ — Sudarśana; divam — to heaven; yātaḥ — went; kṛcchrāt — from his difficulty; nandaḥ — Nanda Mahārāja; ca — also; mocitaḥ — was delivered.

Thus receiving the permission of Lord Kṛṣṇa, the demigod Sudarśana circumambulated Him, bowed down to offer Him homage and then returned to his heavenly planet. Nanda Mahārāja was thus delivered from peril.

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