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Text 2

gacchan pathi mahā-bhāgo
bhagavaty ambujekṣaṇe
bhaktiṁ parām upagata
evam etad acintayat

gacchan — traveling; pathi — along the road; mahā-bhāgaḥ — the greatly fortunate; bhagavati — for the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ambuja-īkṣaṇe — the lotus-eyed Lord; bhaktim — devotion; parām — exceptional; upagataḥ — he experienced; evam — thus; etat — this (as follows); acintayat — he thought.

As he traveled on the road, the great soul Akrūra felt tremendous devotion for the lotus-eyed Personality of Godhead, and thus he began to consider as follows.

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