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Text 23

bhagavan jīva-loko ’yaṁ
mohitas tava māyayā
ahaṁ mamety asad-grāho
bhrāmyate karma-vartmasu

bhagavan — O Supreme Lord; jīva — of living entities; lokaḥ — the world; ayam — this; mohitaḥ — bewildered; tava — Your; māyayā — by the illusory energy; aham mama iti — based on the conceptions of “I” and “my”; asat — false; grāhaḥ — whose conception; bhrāmyate — is made to wander; karma — of fruitive work; vartmasu — along the paths.

O Supreme Lord, the living entities in this world are bewildered by Your illusory energy. Becoming involved in the false concepts of “I” and “my,” they are forced to wander along the paths of fruitive work.

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