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Text 27

tarhy eva hi śalaḥ kṛṣṇa-
dvidhā vidīrṇas tośalaka
ubhāv api nipetatuḥ

tarhi eva — and then; hi — indeed; śalaḥ — the wrestler Śala; kṛṣṇa — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; prapada — by the toes; āhata — struck; śīrṣakaḥ — his head; dvidhā — in two; vidīrnaḥ — torn; tośalaka — Tośala; ubhau api — both of them; nipetatuḥ — fell down.

Then Kṛṣṇa kicked in Śala’s head and tore Tośala in half, and both wrestlers fell down dead.

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