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Text 5

sarvārtha-sambhavo deho
janitaḥ poṣito yataḥ
na tayor yāti nirveśaṁ
pitror martyaḥ śatāyuṣā

sarva — of all; artha — goals of life; sambhavaḥ — the source; dehaḥ — one’s body; janitaḥ — born; poṣitaḥ — maintained; yataḥ — from whom; na — not; tayoḥ — to them; yāti — one achieves; nirveśam — repayment of the debt; pitroḥ — to the parents; martyaḥ — a mortal; śata — of one hundred (years); āyuṣā — with a life span.

With one’s body one can acquire all goals of life, and it is one’s parents who give the body birth and sustenance. Therefore no mortal man can repay his debt to his parents, even if he serves them for a full lifetime of a hundred years.

Having stated, “Both you, Our parents, and We have suffered because of Our separation,” Kṛṣṇa now states that His and Balarāma’s religious principles have been spoiled by Their failure to satisfy Their parents.

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