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Text 23

manye kṛṣṇaṁ ca rāmaṁ ca
prāptāv iha surottamau
surāṇāṁ mahad-arthāya
gargasya vacanaṁ yathā

manye — I think; kṛṣṇam — Kṛṣṇa; ca — and; rāmam — Balarāma; ca — and; prāptau — obtained; iha — on this planet; sura — of demigods; uttamau — two of the most elevated; surāṇām — of the demigods; mahat — great; arthāya — for a purpose; gargasya — of the sage Garga; vacanam — the statement; yathā — as.

In my opinion, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma must be two exalted demigods who have come to this planet to fulfill some great mission of the demigods. Such was foretold by Garga Ṛṣi.

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