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Text 27

aṣṭabhiś caturo vāhān
dvābhyāṁ sūtaṁ dhvajaṁ tribhiḥ
sa cānyad dhanur ādhāya
kṛṣṇaṁ vivyādha pañcabhiḥ

aṣṭabhiḥ — with eight (arrows); caturaḥ — the four; vāhān — horses; dvābhyām — with two; sūtam — the chariot driver; dhvajam — the flagpole; tribhiḥ — with three; saḥ — he, Rukmī; ca — and; anyat — another; dhanuḥ — bow; ādhāya — taking up; kṛṣṇam — Kṛṣṇa; vivyādha — pierced; pañcabhiḥ — with five.

The Lord struck Rukmī’s four horses with eight arrows, his chariot driver with two, and the chariot’s flag with three. Rukmī grabbed another bow and struck Lord Kṛṣṇa with five arrows.

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