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Text 7

petuḥ śirāṁsi rathinām
aśvināṁ gajināṁ bhuvi
soṣṇīṣāṇi ca koṭiśaḥ

petuḥ — fell; śirāṁsi — the heads; rathinām — of those riding on chariots; aśvinām — of those riding horses; gajinām — of those riding elephants; bhuvi — to the ground; sa — with; kuṇḍala — earrings; kirīṭāni — and helmets; sa — with; uṣṇīṣāṇi — turbans; ca — and; koṭiśaḥ — by the millions.

The heads of soldiers fighting on chariots, horses and elephants fell to the ground by the millions; some heads wore earrings and helmets, others turbans.

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