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Text 11

so ’pi kṛtodyamaṁ jñātvā
bhītaḥ prāṇa-parīpsayā
sāhāyye kṛtavarmāṇam
ayācata sa cābravīt

saḥ — he (Śatadhanvā); api — also; kṛta-udyamam — preparing Himself; jñātvā — learning; bhītaḥ — frightened; prāṇa — his life air; parīpsayā — wishing to save; sāhāyye — for assistance; kṛtavarmāṇam — Kṛtavarmā; ayācata — he entreated; saḥ — he; ca — and; abravīt — said.

Upon learning that Lord Kṛṣṇa was preparing to kill him, Śatadhanvā was struck with fear. To save his life he approached Kṛtavarmā and begged him for help, but Kṛtavarmā replied as follows.

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