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Text 7

satyabhāmā ca pitaraṁ
hataṁ vīkṣya śucārpitā
vyalapat tāta tāteti
hā hatāsmīti muhyatī

satyabhāmā — Queen Satyabhāmā; ca — and; pitaram — her father; hatam — killed; vīkṣya — seeing; śucā-arpitā — cast into sorrow; vyalapat — lamented; tata tāta — O father, O father; iti — thus; — alas; hatā — killed; asmi — I am; iti — thus; muhyatī — fainting.

When Satyabhāmā saw her dead father, she was plunged into grief. Lamenting “My father, my father! Oh, I am killed!” she fell unconscious.

According to Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī, Satyabhāmā’s anguished feelings and words at the death of her father were prompted by Lord Kṛṣṇa’s pastime potency (līlā-śakti), to prepare for the Lord’s violent reaction against Śatadhanvā.

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