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Text 9

tad ākarṇyeśvarau rājann
anusṛtya nṛ-lokatām
aho naḥ paramaṁ kaṣṭam
ity asrākṣau vilepatuḥ

tat — that; ākarṇya — hearing; īśvarau — the two Lords; rājan — O King (Parīkṣit); anusṛtya — imitating; nṛ-lokatām — the way of human society; aho — alas; naḥ — for Us; paramam — the greatest; kaṣṭam — distress; iti — thus; asra — tearful; akṣau — whose eyes; vilepatuḥ — They both lamented.

When Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Balarāma heard this news, O King, They exclaimed, “Alas! This is the greatest tragedy for Us!” Thus imitating the ways of human society, They lamented, Their eyes brimming with tears.

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