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Text 13

aspaṣṭa-vartmanām puṁsām
aloka-patham īyuṣām
āsthitāḥ padavīṁ su-bhru
prāyaḥ sīdanti yoṣitaḥ

aspaṣṭa — uncertain; vartmanām — whose behavior; puṁsām — of men; aloka — not acceptable to ordinary society; patham — way; īyuṣāṁ — who take to; āsthitāḥ — following; padavīm — the path; su-bhru — O you whose eyebrows are beautiful; prāyaḥ — usually; sīdanti — suffer; yoṣitaḥ — women.

O fine-browed lady, women are usually destined to suffer when they stay with men whose behavior is uncertain and who pursue a path not approved by society.

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