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Text 36

rukmiṇaivam adhikṣipto
rājabhiś copahāsitaḥ
kruddhaḥ parigham udyamya
jaghne taṁ nṛmṇa-saṁsadi

rukmiṇā — by Rukmī; evam — in this manner; adhikṣiptaḥ — insulted; rājabhiḥ — by the kings; ca — and; upahāsitaḥ — laughed at; kruddhaḥ — angered; parigham — His club; udyamya — raising; jaghne — He struck dead; tam — him; nṛmṇa-saṁsadi — in the auspicious assembly.

Thus insulted by Rukmī and ridiculed by the kings, Lord Balarāma was provoked to anger. In the midst of the auspicious wedding assembly, He raised His club and struck Rukmī dead.

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