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Text 21

nāhaṁ pratīcche vai rājann
ity uktvā svāmy apākramat
nānyad gavām apy ayutam
icchāmīty aparo yayau

na — not; aham — I; pratīcche — want; vai — indeed; rājan — O King; iti — thus; uktvā — saying; svāmī — the owner; apākramat — went away; na — not; anyat — in addition; gavām — of cows; api — even; ayutam — ten thousand; icchāmi — I want; iti — thus saying; aparaḥ — the other (brāhmaṇa); yayau — left.

The present owner of the cow said, “I don’t want anything in exchange for this cow, O King,” and went away. The other brāhmaṇa declared, “I don’t want even ten thousand more cows [than you are offering],” and he too went away.

In Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Śrīla Prabhupāda comments: “Thus disagreeing with the King’s proposal, both brāhmaṇas left the palace in anger, thinking that their lawful possession had been usurped.”

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