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Text 32

vasitvā vāsasī nīle
mālāṁ āmucya kāñcanīm
reye sv-alaṅkṛto lipto
māhendra iva vāraṇaḥ

vasitvā — dressing Himself; vāsasī — in the two garments; nīle — blue; mālām — the necklace; āmucya — putting on; kāñcanīm — golden; reje — He appeared resplendent; su — excellently; alaṅkṛtaḥ — ornamented; liptaḥ — anointed; māhā-indraḥ — of Mahendra, the King of heaven; iva — like; vāraṇaḥ — the elephant.

Lord Balarāma dressed Himself in the blue garments and put on the gold necklace. Anointed with fragrances and beautifully adorned, He appeared as resplendent as Indra’s royal elephant.

Anointed with sandalwood paste and other pure, fragrant substances, Balarāma resembled Airāvata, the great elephant of Lord Indra.

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