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Text 20

yo ’nityena śarīreṇa
satāṁ geyaṁ yaśo dhruvam
nācinoti svayaṁ kalpaḥ
sa vācyaḥ śocya eva saḥ

yaḥ — who; anityena — temporary; śarīreṇa — with the material body; satām — by saints; geyam — to be glorified; yaśaḥ — fame; dhruvam — permanent; na ācinoti — does not acquire; svayam — himself; kalpaḥ — capable; saḥ — he; vācyaḥ — contemptible; śocyaḥ — pitiable; eva — indeed; saḥ — he.

He indeed is to be censured and pitied who, though able to do so, fails to achieve with his temporary body the lasting fame glorified by great saints.

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