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saṁvatsarānte bhagavān
āśu-toṣa umā-patiḥ
vareṇa cchandayām āsa
śālvaṁ śaraṇam āgatam

saṁvatsara — of a year; ante — at the end; bhagavān — the great lord; āśu-toṣaḥ — he who is quickly pleased; umā-patiḥ — the master of Umā; vareṇa — with a benediction; chandayām āsa — had him choose; śālvam — Śālva; śaraṇam — for shelter; āgatam — approached.

The great Lord Umāpati is known as “he who is quickly pleased,” yet only at the end of a year did he gratify Śālva, who had approached him for shelter, by offering him a choice of benedictions.

Śālva worshiped Lord Śiva, who is famous as Āśutoṣa, “one who is quickly satisfied.” And yet Lord Śiva did not come to Śālva for an entire year because, being bhagavān, a great, all-knowing personality, he understood that any benediction given to Lord Kṛṣṇa’s enemy would be fruitless. Still, as stated by the words śaraṇam āgatam, Śālva had come to Lord Śiva for shelter, and thus to maintain the standard principle that a worshiper receives a benediction, Lord Śiva offered one to Śālva.

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