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Text 19

sakhyuḥ priyasya viprarṣer
prīto vyamuñcad ab-bindūn
netrābhyāṁ puṣkarekṣaṇaḥ

sakhyuḥ — of His friend; priyasya — dear; vipra-ṛṣeḥ — the sagacious brāhmaṇa; aṅga — of the body; saṅga — by the contact; ati — extremely; nirvṛtaḥ — ecstatic; prītaḥ — affectionate; vyamuñcat — He released; ap — of water; bindūn — drops; netrābhyām — from His eyes; puṣkara-īkṣaṇaḥ — the lotus-eyed Personality of Godhead.

The lotus-eyed Supreme Lord felt intense ecstasy upon touching the body of His dear friend, the wise brāhmaṇa, and thus He shed tears of love.

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