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Text 23

ku-cailaṁ malinaṁ kṣāmaṁ
dvijaṁ dhamani-santatam
devī paryacarat sākṣāc
cāmara-vyajanena vai

ku — poor; cailam — whose dress; malinam — dirty; kṣāmam — emaciated; dvijam — the brāhmaṇa; dhamani-santatam — his veins visible; devī — the goddess of fortune; paryacarat — served; sākṣāt — personally; cāmara — with a yak-tail fan; vyajanena — by fanning; vai — indeed.

By fanning him with her cāmara, the divine goddess of fortune personally served that poor brāhmaṇa, whose clothing was torn and dirty and who was so thin that veins were visible all over his body.

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