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Text 43

itthaṁ-vidhāny anekāni
vasatāṁ guru-veśmani
guror anugraheṇaiva
pumān pūrṇaḥ praśāntaye

ittham-vidhāni — like this; anekāni — many things; vasatām — by us who were living; guru — of our spiritual master; veśmani — in the home; guroḥ — of the spiritual master; anugraheṇa — by the mercy; eva — simply; pumān — a person; pūrṇaḥ — fulfilled; praśāntaye — for attaining total peace.

[Lord Kṛṣṇa continued:] We had many similar experiences while living in our spiritual master’s home. Simply by the grace of the spiritual master a person can fulfill life’s purpose and attain eternal peace.

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