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Text 8

itthaṁ vicintya vasanāc
cīra-baddhān dvi-janmanaḥ
svayaṁ jahāra kim idam
iti pṛthuka-taṇḍulān

ittham — in this manner; vicintya — thinking; vasanāt — from the garment; cīra — in a strip of cloth; baddhān — tied up; dvi-janmanaḥ — of the twice-born brāhmaṇa; svayam — Himself; jahāra — He took hold of; kim — what; idam — this; iti — so saying; pṛthuka-taṇḍulān — the grains of flat rice.

Thinking like this, the Lord snatched from the brāhmaṇa’s garment the grains of flat rice tied up in an old piece of cloth and exclaimed, “What is this?

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