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Text 50

tamaḥ su-ghoraṁ gahanaṁ kṛtaṁ mahad
vidārayad bhūri-tareṇa rociṣā
mano-javaṁ nirviviśe sudarśanaṁ
guṇa-cyuto rāma-śaro yathā camūḥ

tamaḥ — the darkness; su — very; ghoram — fearsome; gahanam — dense; kṛtam — a manifestation of the material creation; mahat — immense; vidārayat — cutting through; bhūri-tareṇa — extremely extensive; rociṣā — with its effulgence; manaḥ — of the mind; javam — having the speed; nirviviśe — entered; sudarśanam — the Sudarśana disc; guṇa — from His bowstring; cyutaḥ — shot; rāma — of Lord Rāmacandra; śaraḥ — an arrow; yathā — as if; camūḥ — at an army.

The Lord’s Sudarśana disc penetrated the darkness with its blazing effulgence. Racing forward with the speed of the mind, it cut through the fearsome, dense oblivion expanded from primeval matter, as an arrow shot from Lord Rāma’s bow cuts through His enemy’s army.

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