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Text 53
kapotaḥ kaścanāraṇye
kṛta-nīḍo vanaspatau
kapotyā bhāryayā sārdham
uvāsa katicit samāḥ
kapotaḥ — pigeon; kaścana — a certain; araṇye — in the forest; kṛta-nīḍaḥ — having built his nest; vanaspatau — in a tree; kapotyā — with a female pigeon; bhāryayā — his wife; sa-ardham — as his companion; uvāsa — he dwelled; katicit — for some; samāḥ — years.
There once was a pigeon who lived in the forest along with his wife. He had built a nest within a tree and lived there for several years in her company.