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Text 72
atha ha bhagavaṁs tava caraṇa-nalina-yugalaṁ tri-bhuvana-gurubhir abhivanditam aham ayāta-yāma-yajuṣ-kāma upasarāmīti.
atha — thus; ha — indeed; bhagavan — O lord; tava — your; caraṇa-nalina-yugalam — two lotus feet; tri-bhuvana — of the three worlds; gurubhiḥ — by the spiritual masters; abhivanditam — honored; aham — I; ayāta-yāma — unknown to anyone else; yajuḥ-kāmaḥ — desiring to have the yajur-mantras; upasarāmi — am approaching with worship; iti — thus.
Therefore, my lord, I am prayerfully approaching your lotus feet, which are honored by the spiritual masters of the three worlds, because I hope to receive from you mantras of the Yajur Veda unknown to anyone else.