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Text 34

tebhyo hiraṇyaṁ rajataṁ
vāsāṁsy ābharaṇāni ca
grāmān hayān gajān prādād
dhenūnām arbudāni ṣaṭ

tebhyaḥ — unto them (the learned brāhmaṇas); hiraṇyam — gold; rajatam — silver; vāsāṁsi — garments; ābharaṇāni — ornaments; ca — also; grāmān — villages; hayān — horses; gajān — elephants; prādāt — gave in charity; dhenūnām — of cows; arbudāni — groups of one hundred million; ṣaṭ — six.

Unto the brāhmaṇas who took part in the ritualistic ceremony the King gave charity of gold, silver, garments, ornaments, villages, horses and elephants, as well as sixty crores of cows [six hundred million cows].

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