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Text 21

tatrāghamarṣaṇaṁ nāma
tīrthaṁ pāpa-haraṁ param
tapasātoṣayad dharim

tatra — there; aghamarṣaṇam — Aghamarṣaṇa; nāma — named; tīrtham — the holy place; pāpa-haram — suitable for destroying all sinful reactions; param — best; upaspṛśya — performing ācamana and bathing; anusavanam — regularly; tapasā — by austerity; atoṣayat — caused pleasure; harim — to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Near that mountain was a very holy place named Aghamarṣaṇa. There Prajāpati Dakṣa executed ritualistic ceremonies and satisfied the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, by engaging in great austerities to please Him.

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