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Text 34

etasmin kāla utpātān
bahūn paśyan prajāpatiḥ
pūrvavan nārada-kṛtaṁ
putra-nāśam upāśṛṇot

etasmin — at this; kāle — time; utpātān — disturbances; bahūn — many; paśyan — seeing; prajāpatiḥ — Prajāpati Dakṣa; pūrva-vat — like before; nārada — by the great sage Nārada Muni; kṛtam — done; putra-nāśam — the loss of his children; upāśṛṇot — he heard of.

At this time, Prajāpati Dakṣa observed many inauspicious signs, and he heard from various sources that his second group of sons, the Savalāśvas, had followed the path of their elder brothers in accordance with the instructions of Nārada.

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