Texts 26-28
vācam agnau savaktavyām
indre śilpaṁ karāv api
padāni gatyā vayasi
ratyopasthaṁ prajāpatau
mṛtyau pāyuṁ visargaṁ ca
yathā-sthānaṁ vinirdiśet
dikṣu śrotraṁ sa-nādena
sparśenādhyātmani tvacam
rūpāṇi cakṣuṣā rājan
jyotiṣy abhiniveśayet
apsu pracetasā jihvāṁ
ghreyair ghrāṇaṁ kṣitau nyaset
vācam — speech; agnau — in the fire-god (the personified god controlling fire); sa-vaktavyām — with the subject matter of speaking; indre — unto King Indra; śilpam — craftsmanship or the capacity to work with the hands; karau — as well as the hands; api — indeed; padāni — the legs; gatyā — with the power to move; vayasi — unto Lord Viṣṇu; ratyā — sexual desire; upastham — with the genitals; prajāpatau — unto Prajāpati; mṛtyau — unto the demigod known as Mṛtyu; pāyum — the rectum; visargam — with its activity, evacuation; ca — also; yathā-sthānam — in the proper place; vinirdiśet — one should indicate; dikṣu — unto different directions; śrotram — the aural sense; sa-nādena — with sound vibration; sparśena — with touch; adhyātmani — unto the wind-god; tvacam — the sense of touch; rūpāṇi — form; cakṣuṣā — with eyesight; rājan — O King; jyotiṣi — in the sun; abhiniveśayet — one should endow; apsu — unto water; pracetasā — with the demigod known as Varuṇa; jihvām — the tongue; ghreyaiḥ — with the object of smell; ghrāṇam — the power to smell; kṣitau — in the earth; nyaset — one should give.
Thereafter, the object of speech, along with the sense of speech [the tongue], should be bestowed upon fire. Craftsmanship and the two hands should be given to the demigod Indra. The power of movement and the legs should be given to Lord Viṣṇu. Sensual pleasure, along with the genitals, should be bestowed upon Prajāpati. The rectum, with the power of evacuation, should be bestowed, in its proper place, unto Mṛtyu. The aural instrument, along with sound vibration, should be given to the deities presiding over the directions. The instrument of touch, along with the sense objects of touch, should be given to Vāyu. Form, with the power of sight, should be bestowed upon the sun. The tongue, along with the demigod Varuṇa, should be bestowed upon water, and the power of smell, along with the two Aśvinī-kumāra demigods, should be bestowed upon the earth.