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Text 22

munayo ye dhṛta-vratāḥ
anvaśikṣan vrataṁ tasya

aṣṭāśīti — eighty-eight; sahasrāṇi — thousand; munayaḥ — great saintly persons; ye — those who; dhṛta-vratāḥ — fixed in vows; anvaśikṣan — took instructions; vratam — vows; tasya — from him (Vibhu); kaumāra — who was unmarried; brahmacāriṇaḥ — and fixed in the brahmacārī stage of life.

Vibhu remained a brahmacāri and never married throughout his life. From him, eighty-eight thousand other saintly persons took lessons on self-control, austerity and similar behavior.

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