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Text 65
vijaya paṇḍita, āra paṇḍita śrīrāma
asaṅkhya advaita-śākhā kata la-iba nāma
vijaya-paṇḍita — Vijaya Paṇḍita; āra — and; paṇḍita śrīrāma — Śrīrāma Paṇḍita; asaṅkhya — innumerable; advaita-śākhā — branches of Advaita Ācārya; kata — how many; la-iba — shall I enumerate; nāma — their names.
Vijaya Paṇḍita and Śrīrāma Paṇḍita were two important branches of Advaita Ācārya. There are innumerable branches, but I am unable to mention them all.
Śrīvāsa Paṇḍita was an incarnation of Nārada Muni, and thus Śrīvāsa’s younger brother, Śrīrāma Paṇḍita, is accepted as an incarnation of Parvata Muni, Nārada Muni’s most intimate friend.