Text 47
āśliṣya vā pāda-ratāṁ pinaṣṭu mām
adarśanān marma-hatāṁ karotu vā
yathā tathā vā vidadhātu lampaṭo
mat-prāṇa-nāthas tu sa eva nāparaḥ
āśliṣya — embracing with great pleasure; vā — or; pāda-ratām — who have fallen at the lotus feet; pinaṣṭu — let Him trample; mām — Me; adarśanāt — by not being visible; marma-hatām — brokenhearted; karotu — let Him make; vā — or; yathā — as (He likes); tathā — so; vā — or; vidadhātu — let Him do; lampaṭaḥ — a debauchee, who mixes with other women; mat-prāṇa-nāthaḥ — the Lord of My life; tu — but; saḥ — He; eva — only; na aparaḥ — not anyone else.
“ ‘Let Kṛṣṇa tightly embrace this maidservant who has fallen at His lotus feet, or let Him trample Me or break My heart by never being visible to Me. He is a debauchee, after all, and can do whatever He likes, but still He alone, and no one else, is the worshipable Lord of My heart.’