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Text 134
bāra bāra niṣedhena, tabu kare āliṅgana
aṅge rasā lāge, duḥkha pāya sanātana
bāra bāra — again and again; niṣedhena — forbids; tabu — still; kare āliṅgana — He embraces; aṅge — on the body; rasā lāge — oozing moisture touches; duḥkha — unhappiness; pāya — gets; sanātana — Sanātana Gosvāmī.
Although Sanātana Gosvāmī repeatedly forbade Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu to embrace him, the Lord still did so. Thus His body was smeared with the moisture from Sanātana’s body, and Sanātana became greatly distressed.