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Text 103
jiyaḍa-nṛsiṁhe kaila nṛsiṁha-stavana
pathe-pathe grāme-grāme nāma-pravartana
jiyaḍa-nṛsiṁhe — the place of pilgrimage known as Jiyaḍa-nṛsiṁha; kaila — did; nṛsiṁha — to Nṛsiṁha; stavana — praying; pathe-pathe — on the way; grāme-grāme — every village; nāma-pravartana — introduction of the holy name of the Lord.
After visiting Kūrma-kṣetra, the Lord visited the South Indian temple of Jiyaḍa-nṛsiṁha and offered His prayers to Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva. On His way, He introduced the chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra in every village.