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Text 47
ratha-yātrā dekhi’ tāhāṅ rahilā cāri-māsa
prabhu-saṅge nṛtya-gīta parama ullāsa
ratha-yātrā — the car festival; dekhi’ — seeing; tāhāṅ — there; rahilā — remained; cāri-māsa — four months; prabhu-saṅge — with the Lord; nṛtya-gīta — chanting and dancing; parama — greatest; ullāsa — pleasure.
After attending the Ratha-yātrā ceremony at Jagannātha Purī, all the devotees remained there for four months, greatly enjoying the company of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu by performing kīrtana [chanting and dancing].