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Text 128
‘vipra-gṛhe’ sthūla-bhikṣā, kāhāṅ mādhu-karī
śuṣka ruṭī-cānā civāya bhoga parihari’
vipra-gṛhe — in the house of a brāhmaṇa; sthūla-bhikṣā — full meals; kāhāṅ — sometimes; mādhu-karī — begging little by little, like honeybees; śuṣka — dry; ruṭī — bread; cānā — chickpeas; civāya — chew; bhoga parihari’ — giving up all kinds of material enjoyment.
“Śrīla Rūpa and Sanātana Gosvāmī beg a little food from the houses of brāhmaṇas. Giving up all kinds of material enjoyment, they take only some dry bread and fried chickpeas.