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sādhu-saṅga, nāma-kīrtana, bhāgavata-śravaṇa
mathurā-vāsa, śrī-mūrtira śraddhāya sevana
sādhu-saṅga — association with devotees; nāma-kīrtana — chanting the holy name; bhāgavata-śravaṇa — hearing Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam; mathurā-vāsa — living at Mathurā; śrī-mūrtira śraddhāya sevana — worshiping the Deity with faith and veneration.
“One should associate with devotees, chant the holy name of the Lord, hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, reside at Mathurā and worship the Deity with faith and veneration.