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Text 30

ugrasena-sutaḥ kaṁsaḥ
svasuḥ priya-cikīrṣayā
raśmīn hayānāṁ jagrāha
raukmai ratha-śatair vṛtaḥ

ugrasena-sutaḥ—el hijo de Ugrasena; kaṁsaḥ—de nombre Kaṁsa; svasuḥ—de su propia hermana, Devakī; priya-cikīrṣayā—para complacerla con ocasión de su boda; raśmīn—las riendas; hayānām—de los caballos; jagrāha—tomó; raukmaiḥ—hechas de oro; ratha-śataiḥ—por cientos de cuadrigas; vṛtaḥ—rodeado.

Kaṁsa, the son of King Ugrasena, in order to please his sister Devakī on the occasion of her marriage, took charge of the reins of the horses and became the chariot driver. He was surrounded by hundreds of golden chariots.

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