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Text 35

eṣāṁ ghoṣa-nivāsinām uta bhavān kiṁ deva rāteti naś
ceto viśva-phalāt phalaṁ tvad-aparaṁ kutrāpy ayan muhyati
sad-veṣād iva pūtanāpi sa-kulā tvām eva devāpitā
yad-dhāmārtha-suhṛt-priyātma-tanaya-prāṇāśayās tvat-kṛte

eṣām — to these; ghoṣa-nivāsinām — residents of the cowherd community; uta — indeed; bhavān — Your Lordship; kim — what; deva — O Supreme Personality of Godhead; rātā — will give; iti — thinking thus; naḥ — our; cetaḥ — mind; viśva-phalāt — than the supreme source of all benedictions; phalam — a reward; tvat — than You; aparam — other; kutra api — anywhere; ayat — considering; muhyati — becomes bewildered; sat-veṣāt — by disguising herself as a devotee; iva — indeed; pūtanā — the demoness Pūtanā; api — even; sa-kulā — along with her family members, Bakāsura and Aghāsura; tvām — You; eva — certainly; deva — O Lord; āpitā — was made to attain; yat — whose; dhāma — homes; artha — wealth; suhṛt — friends; priya — dear relatives; ātma — bodies; tanaya — children; prāṇa — life air; āśayāḥ — and minds; tvat-kṛte — dedicated to You.

My mind becomes bewildered just trying to think of what reward other than You could be found anywhere. You are the embodiment of all benedictions, which You bestow upon these residents of the cowherd community of Vṛndāvana. You have already arranged to give Yourself to Pūtanā and her family members in exchange for her disguising herself as a devotee. So what is left for You to give these devotees of Vṛndāvana, whose homes, wealth, friends, dear relations, bodies, children and very lives and hearts are all dedicated only to You?

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