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Text 14

saridbhiḥ saṅgataḥ sindhuś
cukṣobha śvasanormimān
apakva-yoginaś cittaṁ
kāmāktaṁ guṇa-yug yathā

saridbhiḥ — with the rivers; saṅgataḥ — on account of meeting; sindhuḥ — the ocean; cukṣobha — became agitated; śvasana — blown by the wind; ūrmi-mān — having waves; apakva — immature; yoginaḥ — of a yogī; cittam — the mind; kāma-aktam — tainted with lust; guṇa-yuk — maintaining connection with objects of sense gratification; yathā — just as.

Where the rivers joined the ocean it became agitated, its waves blown about by the wind, just as the mind of an immature yogī becomes agitated because he is still tainted by lust and attached to the objects of sense gratification.

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