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Text 26

niryāta tyajata trāsaṁ
gopāḥ sa-strī-dhanārbhakāḥ
upārataṁ vāta-varṣaṁ
vyuda-prāyāś ca nimnagāḥ

niryāta — please go out; tyajata — give up; trāsam — your fear; gopāḥ — O cowherd men; sa — together with; strī — your women; dhana — property; arbhakāḥ — and children; upāratam — finished; vāta-varṣam — the wind and rain; vi-uda — without water; prāyāḥ — practically; ca — and; nimnagāḥ — the rivers.

[Lord Kṛṣṇa said:] My dear cowherd men, please go out with your wives, children and possessions. Give up your fear. The wind and rain have stopped, and the rivers’ high waters have subsided.

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