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Text 14

kva sapta-hāyano bālaḥ
kva mahādri-vidhāraṇam
tato no jāyate śaṅkā
vraja-nātha tavātmaje

kva — where, in comparison; sapta-hāyanaḥ — seven years old; bālaḥ — this boy; kva — where; mahā-adri — of the great mountain; vidhāraṇam — the lifting; tataḥ — thus; naḥ — for us; jāyate — arises; śaṅkā — doubt; vraja-nātha — O master of Vraja; tava — your; ātmaje — concerning the son.

On the one hand this boy is only seven years old, and on the other we see that He has lifted the great hill Govardhana. Therefore, O King of Vraja, a doubt about your son arises within us.

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