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Text 8

mamāpy anugrahaṁ kṛṣṇa
kartum arhasy aśeṣa-dṛk
govinda nīyatām eṣa
pitā te pitṛ-vatsala

mama — to me; api — even; anugraham — mercy; kṛṣṇa — O Lord Kṛṣṇa; kartum arhasi — please do; aśeṣa — of everything; dṛk — O You who see; govinda — O Govinda; nīyatām — may he be taken; eṣaḥ — this; pitā — father; te — Your; pitṛ-vatsala — O You who are most affectionate to Your parents.

O Kṛṣṇa, O seer of everything, please give Your mercy even to me. O Govinda, You are most affectionate to Your father. Please take him home.

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