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Text 24
mañcāḥ kriyantāṁ vividhā
paurā jānapadāḥ sarve
paśyantu svaira-saṁyugam
mancāḥ — stages; kriyantām — should be built; vividhāḥ — various; malla-raṅga — a wrestling ring; pariśritāḥ — surrounding; paurāḥ — the residents of the city; jānapadāḥ — and the residents of the outlying districts; sarve — all; paśyantu — should see; svaira — voluntarily participated in; saṁyugam — the competition.
Erect a wrestling ring with many surrounding viewing stands, and bring all the residents of the city and the outlying districts to see the open competition.
The word mañcāḥ refers to platforms constructed with large pillars. Kaṁsa wanted a festive atmosphere so that Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma would not be afraid to come.