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Texts 44-45

bhūyas tatrāpi so ’drākṣīt
stūyamānam ahīśvaram
asurair nata-kandharaiḥ

sahasra-śirasaṁ devaṁ
nīlāmbaraṁ visa-śvetaṁ
śṛṅgaiḥ śvetam iva sthitam

bhūyaḥ — again; tatra api — in that same place; saḥ — he; adrākṣīt — saw; stūyamānam — being praised; ahi-īśvaram — the Lord of serpents (Ananta Śeṣa, the plenary expansion of Lord Balarāma who serves as the bed of Viṣṇu); siddha-cāraṇa-gandharvaiḥ — by Siddhas, Cāraṇas and Gandharvas; asuraiḥ — and by demons; nata — bowed; kandharaiḥ — whose necks; sahasra — thousands; śirasam — having heads; devam — the Supreme Lord; sahasra — thousands; phaṇa — having hoods; maulinam — and helmets; nīla — blue; ambaram — whose clothing; visa — like the filaments of a lotus stem; śvetam — white; śṛṅgaiḥ — with its peaks; śvetam — Kailāsa Mountain; iva — as if; sthitam — situated.

There Akrūra now saw Ananta Śeṣa, the Lord of the serpents, receiving praise from Siddhas, Cāraṇas, Gandharvas and demons, who all had their heads bowed. The Personality of Godhead whom Akrūra saw had thousands of heads, thousands of hoods and thousands of helmets. His blue garment and His fair complexion, as white as the filaments of a lotus stem, made Him appear like white Kailāsa Mountain with its many peaks.

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