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Text 6

ity uktvā codayām āsa
syandanaṁ gāndinī-sutaḥ
mathurām anayad rāmaṁ
kṛṣṇaṁ caiva dinātyaye

iti — thus; uktvā — saying; codayām āsa — drove forward; syandanam — the chariot; gāndinī-sutaḥ — the son of Gāndinī, Akrūra; mathurām — to Mathurā; anayat — he brought; rāmam — Lord Balarāma; kṛṣṇam — Lord Kṛṣṇa; ca — and; eva — also; dina — of the day; atyaye — at the end.

With these words, Akrūra, the son of Gāndinī, began driving the chariot onward. At the end of the day he arrived in Mathurā with Lord Balarāma and Lord Kṛṣṇa.

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